Top tips for adding documents to Instapass

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Top tips for adding documents to Instapass

During the KYC process through Instapass you will be asked to take a photo of your ID as well as upload a picture of your proof of residential address document. When uploading or taking a photo of a document you will need to make sure of the following:

  • The image is recent, in colour and saved in JPG, JPEG, PDF or PNG format
  • The file is less than 10MB
  • The document is the same document type that you selected
  • Your proof of residential address document must be dated within the last 120 days
  • The document is well-lit and clearly legible
  • There is no glare on the image
  • The image is in focus
  • The whole document is visible and nothing is covering it 
  • If your thumb or fingers have to appear in the image to hold the document make sure they are not covering any numbers or text
  • You have not manipulated the image in any way (this includes cropping or editing the image)

For the full guide on how to create your Instapass ID please see here. If you have any problems or questions please contact