To ensure Instabridge is compliant with regulatory requirements, there are 4 different AML (Anti-money laundering) tiers for users. The higher your AML tier the higher your approved transaction volume in Instabridge. You can increase your approved tier of AML through Instapass by providing Instapass with more information on the source of your funds, helping us prevent money laundering. All users must start at Tier 1. In order to transact at a higher tier you will need to apply to upgrade by clicking the Upgrade button.

Tier 3 & 4: Tier 3 allows up to $1,000,000 value of transactions per year and will require you to provide evidence that you can make that value of transactions yearly. Tier 4 allows an unlimited value of transactions per year. You will be required to provide documentation that is evidence of wealth of over $1,000,000.
First you will be required to select your primary source of funds from a dropdown list and provide evidence supporting your source of funds.

Legal agreements are the most commonly acceptable forms of proof of funds, you will need to provide the whole agreement for review. Acceptable proof of source of funds may vary, the following documents are provided as examples but depending on the circumstances there is no guarantee they will be accepted.

You will also need to provide information on your employment status. If you are employed, you will need to enter your occupation; if you are a student you will need to state what institution you are attending; if you are retired, you will need to provide the name of your last employer.

Lastly you will need to select your source of wealth from a dropdown list and provide documentary evidence supporting your source of wealth.

Similarly to providing evidence on your source of funds, legal documents are the most commonly accepted and you will be required to upload the entire document with no redactions for it to be considered.
You will need to upgrade your AML tier before creating a transfer which exceeds your current tier limit.
Please be aware that reviewing source of funds documentation may take several working days.
If further information is required to support your application, you will be emailed by